Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Day 2. Instructional Strategies

Day 2.  Theory Behind Model

Unlike yesterday, which brought culture shock and an intense headache, today was  truly interactive, and concrete. I could not help but to be in high expectancy mode.  Dr Emliy is a charismatic facilitator that portrays effective planning in terms of her preparedness, organization, classroom control, use of class space and all activities are engaging and uses principles of the Instructional Strategies she teaches. Today’s activity can best be summarized in a three (3 ), two (2), one (1) method.

The depth  of knowledge learnt may be enough to transcribe a book, however if I should  zoom in on three of the things learnt today , it would be the ; the effective use of  the Gallery Walk, Categories of Learning Styles and the Ladder of Inference. The Gallery Walk is an interesting way of having learners walk around to various stations and collect or analyze data. It is evident where this Instructional Strategy can be implemented in my electronics classroom.    With reference to the ladder of Inference, we ought to be conscious of the assumptions we make as educators  as our perception of  things, people or situations may impact relationships and the working environment.  Additionally,it was insightful to learn of the four categories of learning styles and to become cognizant that I classified as  Concrete Sequential learner.

(Highlights of graphic representations depicting Blooms Taxonomy throughout the Gallery Walk)
With an open-mind, the increasingly complex ways in we think were described. All six levels were summarized under the framework of the Bloom’s Taxonomy. In light of the pedagogical training received at the Mico Teachers’ College, this information has been known and applied.  One of the activities performed today was the use of a rubric or rating scale to classify each learner based on their learning styles. All learners with similar learning styles were grouped  and given a task to role play. Even though this rubric was new, it was known from prior knowledge that homogenous grouping  is also a method of organizing co-operative learning


With all these new information on Instructional Strategies, I am starting to ponder if it is ever possible for a teacher using traditional teaching methods to produce higher achieving students than a teacher equipped with all this knowledge on Instructional Strategies?

My mental modes are electrified and can’t wait to be totally engaged  tomorrow in another blistering day of learning.

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